Transportation Waiver
If a student and/or student-athlete is being transported to and/or from a performance and/or competition in a manner other than White Bear Lake Area Schools district provided transportation then the following steps need to occur based upon the three situations provided below:
1 - If a student and /or student-athlete is riding with their parent/guardian to and/or from a performance and/or competition then that parent/guardian must email the head coach of the program to inform them that they will be taking their child. Emails for the head coaches can be found HERE
2 - If a student and/or student-athlete is driving themselves to and/or from a performance and /or competition then the Activities Office must receive a filled out and signed Parent/Guardian Release form prior to the event giving the athlete permission to drive themselves.
3 - If a student and/or student-athlete is riding to and/or from a performance and/or competition with anyone other than their own parent/guardian then the parent/guardian must fill out and sign a Parent/Guardian Release form with specific details about who will be transporting their child(ren).
The transportation waiver that needs to be submitted is available HERE.